Dragon age origins circle of magi
Dragon age origins circle of magi

Taking a wrong time can lead to some seriously tough fights that drain the party's resources before later necessary encounters. The Deep Roads beneath Orzammar are vast and interconnected, leaving players with plenty of options and plenty of opportunities for confusion. "Anvil of the Void" sees the player enter the Deep Roads in search of Oghren's wife Paragon Branka, who went missing looking for a magical anvil used to create golems.

dragon age origins circle of magi

One of the reasons fans find both the Deep Roads and the mage's tower quests frustrating is that both take far longer than the player might initially predict. RELATED: Dragon Age 4: What We Hope To See at EA Play Though both the Deep Roads and the mage's tower have a reputation, there are reasons "Broken Circle" ends up the far more confusing quest. "Broken Circle" doesn't just see the Warden fight their way up through the Circle Tower, but throws them into the magical realm of the Fade where they have to solve a long series of puzzles, separated from their party. "Anvil of the Void" sees the player and their party journey into the Darkspawn-infested Deep Roads underneath the Dwarven city of Orzammar, a labyrinth of caverns and ruins. If there's one word that sums up both of Dragon Age: Origins' most infamous quests, it's confusing.

dragon age origins circle of magi

The quests "Anvil of the Void" and "Broken Circle" are infamous enough among the game's fans that some have even modded them out of the title entirely. Dragon Age: Origins may be among BioWare's most beloved games, but there are two parts of the main quest that can make even the most seasoned Grey Warden quit in pure frustration.

Dragon age origins circle of magi