Conan demon blood farming
Conan demon blood farming

by the time you harvest all of them off head back to the 1st one you killed, it should have respawned or just getting ready to. if you can susrivie the cols there is one on pilgrams pahtway on the way down and two at the bottom, one on the left and one on the right. acoss the bridge is a round area with about 10 more. there are 2 in the plants on the left side before the bridge. from there take the pathway to the right between the pillars into the dentral area. and head back the opposite way, to the right after coming out of the obelisk area. assumeing there hasn't been any spawnkilling building from the volcano obelisk there are 2 to the left as soon as you come out of the obelisk area, put on the sandstoem mask as a gasmask. everything respawns every 16 minuets on default.

conan demon blood farming conan demon blood farming conan demon blood farming

the the best place is those mini rocknose kings in the volcano.

Conan demon blood farming